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makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Moongoddess256 said:
Oh I know. I kinda wish this country did divide then because even now we are completely divided politically. And especially on social issues. If we had split then the south could have things their way and the north could have things our way. Doesn't sound so bad to me.

Okay, but that makes no sense and wouldn't work whatsoever. If we divided the north and the south, we'd simply have northern states that are conservative (Indiana, Ohio, Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho, I could go on), and southern states that are liberal (New Mexico, California). And what the hell is the point of a country where everyone thinks exactly the same way? I'm not going to go too deep into it since I don't think you're actually serous.


Well I think California would be part of the Union.  If i remember correctly they were Pro Union in the Civil War.

I once read a book like that.  Was pretty good.  Was an alternate history where the South one the Civil War.  Lincoln was all broken... and they covered how everything went.

Was part of a series... I think it all goes all the way to and past World War 2.  Always wanted to read more of those books but could never remember the name of it.


The same with this book about a Quaker man, who during WW2 is forced to watch his daughter get raped by a prison commandant and strikes out at the guy in anger and then has to reconcile whether or not his faith can really work or if it's a religion of convience.

I can't ever find the names of those books.


I think I know the books you speak of.  They involve some guy going back in time to 1865 and giving AK-47s to the South, allowing them to win the war, right?

I never liked them, tbh.  They theroized that slavery would've persisted in the South until...well, until the end of the series, which as you stated went all the way up until around WWII.

The idea that slavery would've persisted much longer in the South had the Confederacy won the war, or had there been no war at all, makes little sense.  Every nation except for the US managed to bring an end to slavery through peaceful means, and the same would've inevitably happened here. Slavery was already on it's way out by the mid-1800s, going through only a short resurgance due to the invention of the cotten gin.

Hell, the Virginia House of Representatives had been holding abolitionist talkes throughout the 1850s.

Slavery would've come to an end in the US no later than 1900, and probably much earlier, had there been no war.  Same goes for the South had they managed to successfully secede.

Nah, Rubang found me the right one.