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Simulacrum said:
ymeaga1n said:

Your argument is quite full of holes and humorous. I'll just point out some obvious blunders on your part:

MS decided to join the gaming console industry to crack there way into the household living room. The xbox 360 is as much a media hub as it is a gaming console.

"There was no need?" No need for what? Competition? There is no rules against MS joining the console market. Ford and Toyota can join the console market if they wanted to.

Every corporations duty is to its shareholders, if they deem a project as a proper move for the company's future, it will happen. That's why MS has a reason to sell xbox 360s.

And it is foolish to assume because people go buy a ps3, they are going to go out and by all sony brands from then on.


"MS decided to join the gaming console industry to crack there way into the household living room. The xbox 360 is as much a media hub as it is a gaming console."

DVD-player.Not so much a medua hub. xbox live marketplace allows you to rent and purchase videos and tv shows, x360 is also media can connect it to your windows pc running media center and stream videos, music, photos to your tv.

"Every corporations duty is to its shareholders, if they deem a project as a proper move for the company's future, it will happen. That's why MS has a reason to sell xbox 360s."

Good point.

"And it is foolish to assume because people go buy a ps3, they are going to go out and by all sony brands from then on."

No its not. I have had only Nokias cell phone and Lg:s Pc stuff.I also have Sonys Lcd. Okay, that's you. I got samsung lcd in one room, sony in another, x360 in one room, dell laptop, blackberry phone and samsung and motorola and panasonic before that. and fyi, samsung cellphones are trash, samsung lcds are awesome. I don't have brand loyalty like you describe it, and most people don't. They go for the best product that will give them the most value for their money. Additionally, Sony products are usually the most expensive (look at vaio, digital cameras, ps3 etc.). Why does nintendo sell like hotcakes if it has nothing else to offer aside from a gaming console?

Im no expert so just ingore me if I write something stupid.