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SpartanFX said:

so let me re-answer your question:

I think both Gears 2 and R2 look great but none of them come close to E3 05 KZ2 trailer.

KZ2 itself on other hand has come close to it .It has exceeded the trailer in some parts like surface texture and lightning and hit response but it has fell short in some areas like smooth face animations

6 months old KZ2 alpha built:


The animation is not on the same level and the textures are kind of grey unlike the E305 trailer so untill we see some light I'll hold off, but they do have many techniques in there that the trailer didn't have because it was a fake.  What worries me most is that these guys have only been able to put out one really good game and that was on the PSP.  Where as we all know R2 and Gears 2 are going to kick ass.