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TheRealMafoo said:
whatever said:

That rule change was slavery, so I don't see how you can say slavery had nothing to do with it.



The rule change was Lincoln wanted to make Slavery a federal issue (like Obama wants to do with health care today).

The same way I feel about heath care today. I would love everyone in this country to have it... I think it's 100% wrong for the federal government to provide it.

The states with slavery were safe, they just hated yet another state's right being removed. In fact the war started before Lincoln ever took office. You also have to take what we think about the reasons for the war with a grain of salt. Ever notice throughout history, the good guys always win the wars? That's because the winners get to write the history. Slavery was a great thing to pin this war on, so the PR machines of the day did. Most people, north and south, wanted slavery abolished. It was a good way to say the government is coming in to help. kind of like when your Government takes 850 billion out of your pocket to help out the people who pay them, and then say it's good for the people ;)

I don't know where you learned your history.  Slavery was a point of contention between the Northern and Southern states for a long time, since the founding of the US.  The issue came to a head when new states were being added to the US and with every new state, the issue of whether or not that would be a slave state caused tensions between the slave and non-slave states.

So yes, states rights was an issue.  But the only state's right that caused that much tension was the right to have slaves.

And the war didn't officially start until the bombing of Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, about 1 month after Lincoln took office.