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The particular right that those states wanted to keep a state issue instead of a federal issue was... slavery. So yes, it was about slavery, and about racism, and about treating humans as property that you can rape, torture, work to death, or murder for fun. Some states said that this right was so important to them that they would leave the union to keep it. The other states disagreed. If you don't leave all that out, I guess you can call it "The War Between the States" or "The War of Northern Agression." But the North won. They get to name it. It's called The American Civil War. And the slave drivers lost.

One of the neat things about a federal government is that you have a central force making sure none of the states do anything stupid like keep slavery or segregation. Ya know, basic human rights and civil rights issues.

And the good guys don't always win. When you win a genocide, you don't really brag about it, and just hide it, lie about it, and pretend it didn't happen. Kinda like the U.S. does with the genocide of the native Americans. Most first world countries committed genocides on the natives and covered it up.