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Gaming Discussion - FF13 eye - View Post

Xen said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
darthdevidem01 said:

the BEST FF had a main character who was a girl

Terra in FF6

FF VI had two main characters. Terra and Locke. So you're partially right :)

and blackstar, we could use a break from all male FF protagonists... a girl main is good.


Well, to be honest, the recent ones didn't really look like guys to me anyway, so at least they got the gender right this time. Then again, we can question Lightning' model influence (Cloud anyone?)...! =P


Yup... Vaan is one of the reasons I dislike FF12 (beside the fact that it barely feels like an FF game, of course).

I mean, what's the deal with him? whiny, annoying, looks like... I don't know how to describe it, lol... a guy on the forums told me that they were gonna make Basch lead. Vaan was eventually chosen because of the Japanese public... well... they screwed the game bad. On the topic of Lightning, after finishing FF7, watching AC (Japanese VA ftw! I'll buy the Blu-Ray version for sure!), and finishing Dirge of Cerberus, I can honestly say: anything that's influenced by FF7 is gotta be good. The universe and cast of that game are pretty epic. So, if she's Cloud in any way, it's only good.

@Kasz: Well... Celes isn't as apparent and important throughout the whole game. That's why I didn't give her the main character position. She is, however, my 2nd favorite female FF character. Below Tifa and above Aerith.



No, but she was the entire driving point behind the second half of the game.

The only character that's really important the entire game is Edgar.

Really FF6 plays as 2 games put together as one... just they couldn't end it after an extended first part because you can't have the villian win!.