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KBG29 said:
Stealing is not ok. I have zero respect for anybody that steals. People like to pretend it is ok to steal code because it is not physical, but that is crap. Like what others above have said, this code does not just fall from the sky. Many games this gen are made by over a hundred people. Those are the people that you are skrewing when you steal a game.

The world is much to forgiving now. We need to get back to choping peoples hands of for stealing. This BS of charging money, or 3 years in jail is a joke.

One last reason a lot of people get pissed off over piracy is because, you are causing a problem that can, and will result in the games that they enjoy playing to be less innovative, and more conservitive. The worst case scenario is that it will completely kill a system or a company. Look at how piracy has effected the PSP and the Dreamcast. Stay off this site if you are going to make a thread supporting theft.

Don't group me with these pirates as I actually buy or rent my games.  Just saying.  I think you have a good point.  But you can't kill someone for stealing.  Killing someone would be breaking one of the ten commendments(stealing is too)