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I played the demo several times waiting to be blown away since everyone has heaped so much praise on this game.  However, I found it merely good, not great.  The atmosphere is very well done and the graphics are really nice, but I really didn't dig the gameplay much at all.  The guns weren't very effective and provided little ammo despite searching every dead body.  It seems like the only effective way to play the game is to hit an enemy with a elemental plasmid and then with a traditional weapon and lather, rinse, repeat.  Does it get more shooter-like later on, cause that's what I'm into?

I think there should be a distinction between games like this and traditional FPS.  IMO, games like this and Half-Life 2 would be better referred to as First-Person Adventure games (FPA) rather than FPS.  I prefer the individual level based game progression of a Call of Duty for example where I can play a level and stop rather than the persistent, one continuous world game progression of Bioshock or Half-Life.  The only exception I've found was Metroid Prime 3 which was AMAZING!

Unless someone is adequately able to convince me that Bioshock gets better later, it's gonna be a rental at best for me.  That really bums me out, cause I soooo wanted to be blown away.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.