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Tokoro said:

I wholeheartily agree with pretty much everything you say. Earthbound is my favorite game of all time, and I imported Mother 3 and fake japanese'd my whole way through :3 It was awesome even so.

I remember my brother had to sit me down and force me to play Earthbound at first, but then I was hooked. I wasn't really into reading that much at the time. And Buzz-Buzz's speech nearly killed me. I think I asked him to repeat it about 20 times at first 'cause I was just trying to skip it. I was still crazy for it though. A little later in life I went back to it, and enjoyed it even more so than before. Everything in that game was amazing, the enemies, the mushrooms on your head, everything.

So many good times :3 I still play it, and have been checking the fan translation site more than 3 times a day now, bless Mato and co's souls. I'm so excited for it it's not even funny. They're so close.

Both me and my brother both "Main" Lucas or Ness. (I'm Lucas and he's Ness) My brother's better overall, but man, I still love Lucas, Don't you think the Claus costume is genius?

One thing I'm kinda bummed about is I still haven't got a Gutsy bat once. Ever. I've gotten the rest of the main 1/128 items though^^; Even Jeff's which was a pain in the butt.

Also, I lolled at that Harvest moon thing. It is a pretty awesome game :3

I should have known that you'd be the first person to respond to this thread. Just so you know, the reason you always lose in Smash Bros. is because Ness is just all around superior to Lucas. ;)

I remember when I was eleven picking this game up on a whim from a used game store just because I liked the cover. Best money I've ever spent in my entire life. I've played through the game so many times that I've lost count. Out of curiosity, am I the only one who repeatedly gives the Orange Kid $200 so that I can collect all the items in the game? (sans the gutsy bat, screw that).