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Hey people, listen up, lemme make this clear because we are going to be discussing Mother 3 herein and the subject of the Fan Translation project is bound to come up. So, lemme lay out some guidelines for discussion of the Mother series... or, I will say

What This Topic Is About

1. This topic is about the best game series in the whole universe. No no - I don't want to hear about your Final Fantasies or your Ogre Battles or your Metal which is made into Gears, and I most certain do not want to hear about Nintendo's other, lesser franchises. This is about Mother, better known in the West as EarthBound.

2. This topic is about sharing experiences of the Mother series. There's a lot to talk about! These games are pretty deep. is testimony to the fact that one can talk about these games mroe or less forever, even if there are only three of them and we have only ever played one.

3. This topic is about how it sucks that Nintendo of America only released one game Stateside and NOE never touched it. Because it does suck. It sucks a lot. And how about that Virtual Console!?

4. This topic is about design philosophies that went into making the games. Why is everything like Dragon Quest? Everyone walks by flipping their sprites back and forth? How archaic. And awesome!

5. So how about that Mother 3 fan translation project. Controversy! Perseverance of a body of fans! Loss and heroism and tragedy, writ large on the page of history in the blood of those who would transcribe it.

6. Ness and Lucas are the best Brawl characters ever and if you disagree then frankly you don't belong here.

You get the idea. But, just as important as what the topic is about, is

What This Topic is NOT, I repeat NOT About

1. This topic is not about teh warez. This is about the games themselves - if you played them via ROM, fine, whatever, I disapprove but there's nothing illegal or shady about you mentioning that here. That said? If you ask for or link to ROMs I will report your ass myself, because I don't want this topic to be shut down because a few chuckleheads don't have their heads on quite straight. On a related note:
        1.a. The Mother 3 Fan Translation Project is not about teh warez. The M3FTP is about a patch, perfectly legal on its own, which can be applied to your evil, dirty, malicious stolen code which you should be ashamed of having (why didn't you just import and pretend to know Japanese is what I want to know). It is about a community coming together as fans for the most important and comprehensive fan translation in the history of the internet, about the spirit of people who really love a series coming together to make things work. If you ask for a ROM over there, you will be banned from there too. Watch your butts.

2. This topic is not about posting spoilers unmarked and unwarned. You all know how to highlight in black. Highlight your spoilers like this: The first boss in EarthBound is the Titanic Ant and he is a jerk. You may also need to turn your text black. Do it. Do it or I will find you!

3. This topic is not about Harvest Moon, the other greatest series of all time. Maybe one day the two most universal goods in creation can come togther, but this is not that day.

4. This topic is meant for entertainment purposes. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult your doctor before discussing the Mother series: if he doesn't have blue hair, consider seeking out a new HMO who's more into shrooms.

That's out of the way, then.

EarthBound is awesome.