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Sqrl said:

Honestly, I have no proof the retailers are stockpiling. Just a bit of logic that says having Wii's over the holidays is good for getting people into your store to buy gifts. They may have started a while ago, or they may not even be aware of the Wii craze, I simply don't know.

But when it comes to bundles, I have to agree. I hate them, but some people love them. I think stores if they are stockpiling will try to bundle and move more software. it just makes sense from their perspective. And honestly their isn't much Nintendo can do to stop them.

As for your Wii search, I have one word for you: Sunday

Sunday is the best day to shop for Wii's. And Toys'R'Us is usually the best store to check.

 I am also thinking of the nintendo world Store In manhatten.  I'll check a few places tomarrow morning b4 work like Toy's R Us, Bestbuy, Walmart,  Target and Circuitcity. if no luck  then ill goto the nintendo world store after work  to get some info on when they get thier shipments and if it alot.

I honestly just want to find someone who will trade me for the crappy 360 i have collecting dust due to it coming with a broken HDD 3 months ago and M$ is still on their ass not sending a new one all this time. My PS3 gets all the play right now and its great.