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AFAIK Jasper has not been confirmed in the wild yet so I doubt you'll be getting the 65 nm GPU if you buy now. Some say they have a Jasper mobo but no one has cracked the case to get pics yet for proof.

Game recomendations:

Lost Odyssey fits the bill for your indicated preference in JRPGS. I really enjoyed it till the forth disc then I lost interest and never finished.

TOV is getting a lot of praise but the combat is realtime. Have not played it yet but I plan to pick it up eventually.

Mass Effect was great. I absolutly loved it. It combines tactical TPS with WRPG and has an excellent storyline. It does have some technical issues (texture pop in and loading) so if you have a PC that can run COD4 decently you might want to check it out on PC. I highly recomended it either way.


Gears: lots of fun but short I apreciated its non run and gun gameplay. The story is pretty shallow. There was more plot development in the trailers for it than the actual game.

Halo 3: more of the same. If you enjoyed the first 2 pick it up just to finish the story nothing really new here unless your into the multiplayer.

Rainbow6 Vegas 1&2 best cover system I've played in a shooter. Both games were a lot of fun but the storys were both crap.

MOH airborne: really underated game IMO. The lean mechanic allows for tactical gameplay(actually being able to utilize cover) thats ussually not present in a FPS.

The Darkness: Fun horor themed shooter with some neat additional abilities in the form of Darkness powers. I like the story on this one.

Ghost Recon 1&2: the cover system is less refined than the Vegas games but the story is better. 2 is really short.

Condemed Crimianl Origins: Really liked this one. Very creepy game. Not much shooting more of a hand to hand game as ammo is limited. The sequal was a disapointment IMO. It really lost its creepy atmosphere and ammo was too plentiful.