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WiteoutKing said:
The Wii stockpiling should make 22 million before PS3's 8 million quick work. The "Big Three" coming before the end of the year should be a big help.

THe big 3 can only help the big 3 in software sales. Even is nintendo is stock pilling that meants that months leading to christmas Aug, Sept, and OCt will have lower units in stores for the Nov, Dec stock pile sales.

according to alot of predictions Wii should sell another 5million WW this year and the PS3 should sell another 2.5 million.

 I predict that the PS3 will sell 8 million by end of March when MGS, GTA4, LBP, DMC, Killzone 2, Infamose, Soul Calibure 4, Tekken, Fallout 3 are Marked in for releases.

I expect about 4 of these games to be delayed into spring and summer but these games justify a PS3 purchase after christmas unlike 07 jan - mar that only saw Virtua fighter 5 and Motorstorm.

 During the Same time frame The Wii only has Wiifit and Mario Kart. not that it matters until they Meet Demand better than they are currently. the 2008 line up for Wii looks weak enough to slow demand Finally, then again even bad games sell on the Wii, so Who knows.