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Aj_habfan said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Aj_habfan said:
The less hype the higher chance of that happening.


The less hype the higher chance of that NOT happening.That's what you meant,right?


No, less hype creates less expectations.

This. There are very few games that can live up to the hype, Half Life and GTA are the only 2 that come to mind. All the rest, no matter how good the game is, will never earn the title "best game of all time" despite being awesome games, because of the hype (Halo 1/2/3, MGS 1/2/3/4 etc).

More often then not, it's the games that lack hype (or huge amounts of hype) that succeed. Look at Super Mario Galaxy, after Sunshine, not a huge amount of hype for that game and it blew everyone away. Hype makes better sales, but not a better game.


On Topic: I'm going to say it won't be the best game of all time. If gears 2 was gears 1 back in 2006, then it'd certainly be right up there, but because it is a sequel, and 3rdPS are not as fresh as they were back then, I'm going to say it'll be a great game, but not even top 5.