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There are a number of things affecting how it is performing over here. Don't forget the red rings of death. Pretty much any discussion board you go to here will have people telling of their 360 hardware failures, and other people saying they are tempted to get one, but don't want the thing blowing up on them. This is a major factor. Japanese people don't want unreliable hardware. Also, consider the game localization. Just look at the JPN release schedule. Fewer 360 games make it over here because companies just can't afford the cost of localizing the game for the meagre sales they will get. GoW only sold 50,000 here. Crackdown? 25,000 after four weeks, and they are the 'big' titles. Furthermore, even if they do get localized, the release is many months after the original release in the US. Another sign that 360 developers don't care about the Japanese market (I'm not saying they don't, but that is the impression JPN gamers will get).

PSN - hanafuda