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LOL... let me share some history with your before your foot disappears too far down your throat. Without piracy, Blizzard wouldn’t be here today because no one would have ever played warcraft. Period. That’s a fact. Back then computer games were so remote that no one would have purchased a computer game without trying it 1st. Mettallica and many other late 80s early 90s bands would have flopped outright (for better or worse I leave you to decide). You can also make the argument for Bioware, ID and many other companies. Hell, all of gaming in general wouldn’t be where it is today if people didn’t make it popular by what you call piracy because those same pirates popularized a lot of obscure games and software.

Let me ask you this my blindly opinionated friend, if it wasn’t called piracy would you feel as strongly about it? Do you think its a mistake that the lawyers labeled it "piracy?" What if the action was labeled "free advertisement." Would you still be saying what you are saying if that’s what people called it? Nope, because you’re a mindless lemming. Get over it and learn. This type of thing is done all the time. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I am not going to stand here and say piracy or "free advertising" is good, because ultimately you need to turn a profit but don’t you dare stand there and tell me that lying companies are any better and frankly, I for one, refuse to be a victim of shoddy programming and lies. I will try a game and if i like it, I will buy it just like most any pirate who can afford to do so. Let the rich conglomerates take some responsibility for their product for once. I am sick and tired of all the bleeding heart advocates and the lack of accountability & responsibility of corporations who fail because they make shoddy products.