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........... And we didn't realize that the reason the 360 does bad is lack of it being geared to the Japaneese people and culture? Unlike other American things that appeal to the eastern culture, a video game system is something far different. It has exclusive programming content that allows that system to either appeal, or not appeal to a specific culture. In this case, an iPod does great. Why? It's content is universal (mp3s). It isn't determined by if Capcom enters an exclusive agreement to produce Dead Rising - they just play MP3s. This is why the 360 has an issue. They don't have major inroads built with J companies. Yes, the marketing sucks, but it sucks everywhere imo. That doesnt prevent it to do great business in the US. If the 360 magically got FFXIII exclusive, or a few other S-E games and had a similar # of J-games, it'd do nearly the same as the other systems - content controls sales, not the place tis made out of (after all, all 3 systems are made in China)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.