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I've been a WoW player since Jan 2005 and have tried LOTRO, AoC, and now Warhammer. I actually feel Warhammer has a chance. It's quite mature for a new release MMO. AoC PvP system , or lack thereof, at time of release was a joke. AoC has the superior graphics engine but:

1. It's area loads distract from the feeling of an MMO. I also don't like the lack of seamless feel when you get a load screen (though short) when you enter a building with a door. Blizzard have this feel of a more seamless world down pat. Sure instance have load screens but when in the actual world areas, loads are minimal.

2. Warhammer has a graphics engine inferior to AoC but it has less zone loading (not as good as WoW though). Graphics are better than WoW.

3. PvP in Warhammer is awesome. They have done a great job on the PvP system from the word go.

4. Warhammer Public Quests: Awesome concept and idea. However, I can see an issue once the servers get mature populations. I guess guildies may need to help out for you to get your "Influence" points for each chapter and to complete those PQ's that are designed for large parties.

I think the biggest risk to WoW is this. Some people who have been playing that game for 3+ years are simply tired with it. I guess it depends a lot on what WOTLK has to offer. Everything is rebalanced and all those items people spent hours acquiring become redundant over night. I am all for progress but unless WOTLK offers some real advancements in WoW gameplay, tired players will go to the darkside.

Warhammer is being released at a time where some are tired with the whole WoW experience. Can WOTLK be enough to respark these tired people with WoW? I am on the edge with WoW. It's been a drought lately, knowing WOTLK is upon us. The only thing worth accruing was BG honour points since all the gear you get right now will be a waste of time come Nov 13.

In the mean time I am building my WAR toon up and getting to know the game. It's got my attention more than LOTRO or AoC ever got. I love the Tomb and how it tracks all kills and the achievement system in WAR is just so extensive. I know WOTLK is bringing achievements but we will have to wait and see.