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I just got a macbook as well recently (15 inch) and it's great. I can play Warhammer on it after booting into XP or Vista and Spore and most other games I'm interested on the Mac side with better graphics/greater stability. (the Windows tax doesn't just apply to having to pay more to get windows installed, Vista hogs WAY more resources then OSX.)

It is kind of more expensive, but only because there is no bargain basement macbook. If you look at the specs of a macbook or macbook pro and compare then with a similar Dell or HP computer the macbook is either about the same price or sometimes even cheaper.

The other great things about macs are they sell for near their purchase price even a year or two later! I sold my 17 inch with an old intel duo processor (the old version) that I bought for 2500 when the intel switch first happened. I sold it on Ebay for 1800 dollars, thats right, a two year old macbook pro sold for just 800 dollars less then the original purchase pro. Try to get more then 500 bucks for a 2 year old 2500 dollar dell and see how much of a difference that is.

If you include resale macs are VASTLY cheaper then their competition. It really is like buying a BMW or something. It might cost a little more upfront but you get much better performance and when you go to sell it you get far more of your investment back so in the end you pay less and get more.

I can run Warhammer at full settings on my macbook pro, so you really don't lose anything in performance for using bootcamp vs a straight windows box, you just gain not having to use windows for anything other then gaming.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me