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leo-j said:
Viper1 said:
leo-j said:

No, it wont happen even if it sells better than it is monthly, it wont even get close to the half a year mark, maybe 18 or 17million but 22million is crazy, the ps3 will hit 8m while the wii is around 14million(my prediction)

Say what? You honestly think they'll sell at the exact same pace from this point forward? Both 4 million up?

Put the Sony branded crack pipe down.


Even with the recent boost in PS3 hardware, the Wii still doubles it sales wise. When PS3 hits 8 million, Wii should be nearing 20 million. I agree that 22 million is too high but 14 million is way to low.

ehh, no the wii continues to sell 1 m monthly it will take a year for it to hit 22million maybe 23million august 08 ,when the ps3 hits 8 million it will likely be around january the wii would be at exactly 16-17 million. (But the holiday season if they arent stock piling wii's then it will continue its 1 million trend )

 But a moment ago you said when the PS3 hits 8 million, the Wii will hit 14 million.  Now you're saying it's 16-17 million (much better prediction by the way but still a bit low).  

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