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Or at least potentially it does. I recently bought a PS1 and it rocks! I've bought a large selection of games, mainly because they cost under £3 each. If all games are to be digitally distributed then this delight will be a thing of the past. Many VC game are more expensive to download than buy the originals second hand. I appreciate this is not the case with rare games and I am very thankful (yay sin and punishment!) but I'm mildly worried about the future for retro heads.


Below is the absolute worst case scenario.

Underground classics (for exapmle Braid, which I haven't played but really want to) will never have hard copies of them made. They will not be available to download on next gen hardware. The current generation ends and you can no longer download them. The game is now lost forever!!


As I said, above is the worst case scenario, but it's kind of scary. There are countless games I didn't discover until way after the console they were on. Thoughts?