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Fuzzmosis said:
Yukon Territory is not a province, and Nunavit has fewer people if we count territories.

Thus, the next fact: Most Americans know next to nothing about their irrelevant neighbour to the north.

New Brunswick is the only province that is entirely bilingual.

There were/are anti English violence acts in Quebec.

In 2003, The Canadian government spent 2,120 per person on Health care. The American government, 2,724. Yet Canada is somehow mocked for it's socialized medicine, despite a government spending less than a "Capitalist" one and getting much much more from it.

The legal drinking age in Canada is 18 in Quebec and Alberta, and 19 everywhere else.

Approx. 1/3 of the entire world's oil reserves are in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

You mean Santa? He's not irrelevant if you're good!