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Kasz216 said:
totalwar23 said:

Nope. Under Chapter VII, Russia can vote in this matter but Russia must abstain from Chapter VI, which any purely symbolic resolution will fall under. If the UNSC decides to take actions against Russia, that's where Russia can veto it.


Yeah... which is why it's so strange that NOBODY IN THE UN SEEMS TO KNOW THAT.

No.  It's just you.  Your right... despite the fact that nobody in the UN from any country seems to know that.

No it's not possible you just don't understand the rule.


Chapter VI is nonbinding and pointless which is why Russia can't vote on it but it is a way for the SC to move without Russia. If McCain is calling for things covered in Chapter VII, well then it's pointless, too. But hey, Obama is just some dumb hick who doesn't understand how anything works, right? He just got incredibly lucky.