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totalwar23 said:
Sqrl said:
totalwar23 said:

OK, aide's refusal to testify to the Alaskan legislature for troopergate, go.



Alaska's constitution requires the personal board and no other body to investigate the matter.  The legislature is violating Alaska's constitution by investigating the matter because they are only empowered by the constitution to investigate matters when they further legislation..this does not.

The Attourney General of Alaska notified state employees not to cooperate because the Legislature has no authority in the matter.


AS 39.52.310(c.) - Requires the matter to be investigated by the personel board not the legislature.

AS 39.52.060(c.) - Establishes the personel board which consists of 3 members with 6 year terms appointed by the Governor and approved by the legislature in joint session.

In short the aide was following the order from the state attourney general who has a strong legal basis for his objections.

PS - Not going to respond to the rest of it?


That's great except you forgot to mention that the personal board is appointed by Governor Palin. If you were the boss and you wanted your employees to investigate you for wrongdoing, you would expect them to do what, exactly? Secondly, in the eyes of the public, she looks like she has something to hide by not cooperating and initially, she welcomed the investigation. And there's the fact that the Republican legislature is being sued to stop it. That, is fishy at best.


What do you want me to comment on?


Did he forget to mention it?

-mod edit- From now on please try to remove unecessary old quotes when you quote back and forth so we don't get a mountain of old quotes. Thanks~ Also I removed the from these quotes it was supposed to be {c} with parenthesis but that gets translated into an emoticon so I changed them to (c.) - Sqrl