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totalwar23 said:
Sqrl said:

McCain's point was never to pass sanctions but to make Russia veto them so they look bad, while Obama's point was to actually pass them..which cannot be done.  For someone who is so articulate and well thought out it and gives long explicit answers you would expect him to explain that extra aspect but he didn't and McCain did, and yet we are once against asked to give him the benefit of the doubt on his own words.

In regards to the CAC, yes, I think he failed there, and I have no idea if palin would have been more successful , there is no way to know. But I don't think she would have given the money to programs that require students and parents to become politically active to recieve the aid and I don't think she would have turned down groups that wanted to emphasize and re-focus the schools on math and science education. But thats exactly what happened while Obama controlled the money, and the results speak for themselves.

And yes her negotiations with Canada and the Oil companies are a great example of her leadership in action and it happens to be on a multi-national multi-billion dollar project.  The scale and scope of the project was enormous and she did a great job with it by all accounts.  While Obama's smaller scale smaller scope project faired very poorly.  We can speculate about who would have done better if the roles were reversed but they weren't reversed and this is what we have, this is reality.

So you don't want to cite a specific accusation you were referring to, you just want to keep it general where I can't respond to it?


OK, aide's refusal to testify to the Alaskan legislature for troopergate, go.



Alaska's constitution requires the personel board and no other body to investigate the matter.  The legislature is violating Alaska's constitution by investigating the matter because they are only empowered by the constitution to investigate matters when they further legislation..this does not.

The Attourney General of Alaska notified state employees not to cooperate because the Legislature has no authority in the matter.


AS 39.52.310(c.) - Requires the matter to be investigated by the personel board not the legislature.

AS 39.52.060(c.) - Establishes the personel board which consists of 3 members with 6 year terms appointed by the Governor and approved by the legislature in joint session.

In short the aide was following the order from the state attourney general who has a strong legal basis for his objections.

PS - Not going to respond to the rest of it?


To Each Man, Responsibility