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Kasz216 said:
totalwar23 said:
Kasz216 said:

Did you real the article?  McCain says we should go through with the resolution despite Russian veto threats.

In otherwords... knowing they were going to veto it.


Everybody knows that Russia would veto anything brought up against them. That's not some secret UN inside information, man. Both of them, Obama and McCain, as they were running for President call for UN resolutions as they wanted to appear Presidential, stay on top of the situation, but both knew there was nothing to be done to stop the Russian agression. What you're doing is opinionating (like I am, I admit) that Obama is this naive guy who lives in a world of puppies and sunshines while McCain was hatching a plan to embarass Russia. The Georgia conflict came up in the campaign and they both said their piece. Have we heard anything about Georgia, anymore? The news has already passed both are now talking about the economy saying whatever they have to say.


It's no opinionating... I'm taking both candidates at there word.

Obama said "The UN should pass a resolution to condemn russia."

McCain said "The UN should go foward with resolutions against Russia despite there threats of vetoing to put them up on the world stage."

You don't see that as two different talking points?

McCain also just talked about Georgia like... last week a day or two before the debate.

Also I still like how this became about Palin when in reality the thread is about Pelosi saying she wants "Equal political coverage" then trying to pull that coverage away at the last moment.


And as I said, you expect that Obama doesn't know how the UN works? Obama said what he had to say and McCain had to say what he had to say because they were expected to say it. Let's not forget that the UNSC didn't do what McCain or Obama said. As it were, their statements were kind of pointless.


It would be hard for the Canadian governments to allow the Alaskan government to pay a Canadian company to build a pipeline running through their land so their friendly southern neighbor could have access to oil?