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A Very interesting list which tells a lot for each system. The PS3 list will no doubt change the most over the next Year, i would also imagine the only title to have a chance to dethrone GTA4 would be GTA5 or GT5 if they can get a really good damage system and do enough to spice of the game.

I can't see any wii game beating brawl, but if the next Zelda pulls an OoT it will have a chance to make a pretty high place. But Animal Crossing should make the list this fall.

For the 360 there is only one title that could ever dethrone Halo3 and that's Halo4. Gears2 will pull into third place this fall and Madden2010 and CoD6 will make nice editions to the list in 2009. I'm not sure where GTA5 will fit in since R* said its impossible to fit it on the 360 DVD, and i'm not sure how a GTA game would work on two discs unless its a launch game for the 720.