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SickleSigh said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
I hope this one kills the stupd 10-year-plan meme. So basically Sony is planning to rush the market with a ps4 that's basically a bumped up-ps3, AKA 100% BC so they can shut off quick the ps3 and pull off a fast and smooth transition ala GC-Wii.


Just like the Ps2 killed the Ps1 or the Ps3 killed the Ps2? Wait, doesn't Sony always support their older systems after their new one launchs? So while Ps3 is still selling and having games released for it Ms will dump their 360 like they did with xbox and force people to upgrade and spend another 400$.


The ps3 had over 100 million users out there when the ps3 launched - that's why it has tails. Do you foresee the ps3 having a 100 million userbase by 2011? That's three years away - it needs to average 28 million sales / year during the period. It'll be two years old by november and won't have even hit 20 million.

Btw, are you into real state business? I have a nice condo for sale in NY, with marvelous vistas over the city and a hundred feet granite statue of Liberty below it. I'm willing to toss in the statue in the deal if you pay upfront.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).