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Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Nemesis (Resident Evil)
Kratos (God Of War)
Spyro (Spyro)
Crash (Crash Bandicoot)
Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Sackboy/Sackgirl (LittleBigPlanet)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword)
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Locoroco (Locoroco)
Ape (Ape Escape)
Someone from Silent Hill? (Silent Hill)
Abe (Oddworld)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Helghast (Killzone)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Ico (Ico)
Okami (Okami)
Ratchet (Ratchet And Clank)
Clank (Ratchet And Clank)
Jak (Jak And Daxter)
Daxter (Jak And Daxter)
Something Disgaea (Disgaea)
Parappa (Parappa The Rappa)
Buzz Host (Buzz)
Patapon (Patapon)


They were/are pretty iconic to Playstation I think. I would like to see a SSB. like game with these kind of characters.