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ssj12 said:
Gobias said:
MrBubbles said:
if bush and cheney were to die...then she would be president right? thats a scary thought....



Nothing compared to the thought of Sarah Palin becoming president, now that really is scary.


Not really, Palin is the best one for the job. She never went past being a governer so she didn't turn away from the people and turn to the money that house members and the senate make. She has a better understanding of how the common citizen lives versus McCain, Obama, and Biden. If she became president she would basically help the common man instead of hurt them like the other three would.


I don't know about that. Didn't we just do that the last 8 years?... She is a little to religious for me. My choices for Prez (of my options) would be in order:

  • McCain
  • Obama
  • Move to another country
  • Palin
  • Biden
As you can see, it makes it hard for me to vote, as it's a gamble. Do I vote for the really old guy that might leave the most unqualified individual in history as our president, or the guy who in reality will never do the things he says he will do (thus being less destructive).

Obama promises the world, and will never be able to deliver, so he socialist views are not really that scary to me. You have to have money to spend it, and we don't have any :p