HappySqurriel on 22 March 2007
melbye said:
I always assumed N6 would be released in 2011/12. It is a cheap console so it doesn't matter as long i can bring over my Virtual Console games
Well, my thinking is pretty simple Q4 2011 will be 5 years from when the Wii was released and the PS3 and XBox 360 will likely still be selling for (roughly) $200. The PS3 and XBox 360 will not be able to hit the (ultra) low $100 price point because certain components (Hard-Drives) do not become all that inexpensive to produce.
Now, all systems (regardless on how powerful they are) are likely to be "dogged" for being not that much better than an XBox 360 or PS3 but this is a (massive) advantage for Nintendo; they will be able to demonstrate how much better their new system is over the Wii and it will not be (dramatically) more expensive than the XBox 360 or PS3 meaning people should be comfortable paying for it ... At this point in time only a fool would attempt to make a "Super Computer" that is only $600 ...