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Crysis, but EA will make it back from the kickback from MS and ATI ( or Nvidia?, I can't remember which one is backing crysis).
Boogie is extremely low budget. I think profit after 40k copies.
Haze, I hate to say it, because I want it so bad but it will bomb
Stranglehold will sell because it is the only way for people to get hardboiled on bluray right.

Naznatips:"-Dewey's Adventure
-No More Heroes (I really hope I'm wrong on this one, but I think it will be unadvertised and go under the radar)" I pretty much agree.

MP3 will make a profit, but it is coming out so early in the life cycle. It sells mostly in the US, and US only has 4 Million Wii's out there. 2 Mil would be amazing. I think 1-1.4 Million by the end of 07.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.