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Simulacrum said:
Could be.But at Super Smash Bros Brawl there werent really well known character,only about 10.
And they brought Snake on it, even though it came long time ago on Nes,so Sony could bring some old characters as well.

True that. Still, 10 well-known exclusive characters is really a lot, compared to what Sony would have. 'Cos that would be, um, Kratos? And he's not really well-known, except by hardcore gamers. That would leave non-exclusive 3rd part ones, mainly.

But I agree at least Snake, Cloud and Sephiroth, Dante and Kratos should appear. Something like Crash, Ratchet and Clank and characters like that to stir things up, 'cos all those human characters are a little too alike. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046