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Developed by Blizzard, the highest-profiled company in gaming, authors of the 3 most popular franchises in their own genres(Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft) recently announced Starcraft 2 on May 19, at WWI 2007 in South Korea, for the delight of many fans of the sequel of the highly acclaimed and popular Starcraft. With it's superior and addicting gameplay, both newbie friendly and hardcore gaming suitable, Starcraft reached 10 million sales and has reached legendary status within gaming industry, will have it's torch carried by the sequel, promising to reach new heights of RTS, and not just a cardboard copy RTS.

Blizzard is also known for it's high quality CGI, having possibly the most talented group of animators in the industry. Here is Starcraft 2's announcement trailer:

Announcement trailer
Announcement trailer HD
Annoucement trailer at WWI 2007 (with the korean fans going wild)


Gameplay Videos:

Gameplay footage and Unit preview
Zerg Rush
Protoss Mothership
Epic Battle GG xD


And now with point n' click Adventure on Single-player campaign, absolutely amazing, reminds me of good ol' Lucas Arts days:

YouTube version Part 1
YouTube version Part 2

We can expect some great graphics and designs, but also great scalability for some of the lower-end computers, since it's Blizzard's philosophy. It wouldn't be a stretch to think this game could sell over 20 million copies Worldwide, it's Blizzard afterall.

To be released no sooner than 2008, and only for PC/MAC.


EDIT: Starcraft 2's announcement was the first of the 3 unannounced projects from Blizzard. The second project was announced recently as the new expansion for World of Warcraft, entlitled "World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King".
The last unannounced project still remains a secret, but with the recent sequel of Starcraft, some fans think the last project could be infact Diablo 3.