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mrstickball said:
bbsin said:


No other dev in history has better car manufacturer relations than PD. The tracks in the GT series has always been more realistic than Forza's, the car movements, details and handling has always been more on point than Forza's. Forza has better A.I, online and customization options than GT. Either way, there's nothing "laughable" about thinking GT is a better series, most car enthuists play it and move reviewers has given the series better scores than Forza. Both games have their strong points, but GT has always been more realistic in terms of car details and handling than Forza. Ones that do not know much about Kazunori Yamauchi, PD, or just cars in general, are the ones that are likely to disagree.


Forza Motorsports - 93.0% Average Rating

Forza Motorsports 2 - 90.0% Average Rating

Gran Turismo 3 A Spec - 94.3% Average Rating

Gran Turismo 4 - 89.1% Average Rating

Taking the last 2 franchise games, GT only has a higher review average of 0.2%. Replace GT3 with GT5p, and there is no actual comparison in which series the reviewers think is better.

As for attention to detail for racing physics, I guess my question would be "How can a game that pays no regard to crash physics, at all be considered the most accurate to date?"

Ultimately, what will matter is when GT5 and FM3 launch, so we can get an actual side by side comparison of the 2 newest racing sims on the market. It's hard to compare games when they're staggered so much.



GT4 was viciously attacked by some reviewers thats why its average is so low.  And the crash physics in Forza2 are laughable at best, and they have no real impact on the game.  And each game has retarded AI so we can't compare that.