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50 Reasons You know you're addicted to Video Games

Everyone here loves to play games but how addicted are you? Well, here's 50 reasons you may be addicted to video games...

1. You've tried to dial a cheat code on your phone.
2. Whenever something bad happens you reach for the pause button.
3. You've spent so much time playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater you actually taught youself how to skateboard.
4. You keep pushing the bottons in the elevator in the apartment/hotel/mall.
5. The only joystick you play with anymore is plugged in to your Xbox.
6. You've decided you won't go outside anymore due to the 'tacky graphics, poor sound and low playability.'
7. You've moved your PS2 into the bathroom just in case you make it to the next level on Vice City.
8. Your hands are so gnarled from gripping the controller, you can't even tie your shoes.
9. You ask your doctor how many lives you have left.
10. You think you can take on the world with a crowbar.
11. You actually went to video game design camp.
12. Whenever you get hurt, you just hide behind something for five seconds until you heal.
13. You have ever tried to "double jump".
14. You've dressed up as your favorite character and did cosplay
15. You own all gaming systems even if they suck
16. You search for hentai for hot video game characters you like
17. You own the soundtrack to your favorite games
18. You make videos about gaming
19. You dream about gaming
20. All the music on your ipod came from guitar hero
21. You argue with people when they say your favorite game/system sucks
22. You actually learned how to play a real guitar because of guitar hero
23.You stand in Wal-mart shouting "Opening Lockboxes!"
24. You try to throw a pokeball at a animal trying to catch it
25. You tell your dog to use an attack on someone/something
26. When you have a girlfriend who games as much as you do
27. When you invite your online friends you don't know for your wedding and other activities
28. You call someone a noob in real life
29. When you go to buy something at a store/mall, you ask how much gold/rupees will it cost.
30. You look for a map when you take a walk in the woods
31. You walk into people's homes to collect money and smash their stuff
32. When you refer to your car as your epic mount
33. When something goes wrong in real life, you try to load a save game. When you find it doesn't work you go and ask someone how to fix corrupt saves.
34. When you get a new gadget or game, you hold it above your head with a stupid smile!
35. You actually thought pokemon were real
36. You eat a mushroom hoping to become bigger
37. You're amazed that there's no triolith (pyramidal stone) in your local church
38. When you see a turtle, you jump on them
39. You have the video game hotline on speed dial
40. You've changed your name to a video game characters' name
41. When you heard about the hurricane Ike coming, you thought of Ike from fire emblem
42. Your phone's ringtone is from a game you love
43. You actually camped out 24 hours before a game/system came out.
44. You don't talk about anythng but games.
45. You get extremely irritated every time you hear someone say "Hey! Listen!"
46. You learned japanese just so you can enjoy more games
47. You think Milk is beer
48. You name your child after a video game character
49. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to video games.
50. You actually made a list of "You know you're addicted to video games."



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