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Closing Comments
FIFA 09 returns to the pitch full of swagger, and it does it’s very best to deliver on EA Sport’s promise of creating the definitive football title. An exacting game on the pitch and an overwhelmingly comprehensive one off of it, it’s still got a number of minor niggles that blight the play. But when the package is so vast and offers so much, it’s hard not to be impressed. Is it better than PES? It’s certainly different, and which game you go for this season ultimately depends on what you want from your annual dose of football.

IGN UK Ratings for FIFA Soccer 09 (PS3)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
8.0 Presentation
Menus are slick, but with so many they're a little cumbersome.
8.5 Graphics
Hardly an improvement, but still a step ahead of the opposition.
9.0 Sound
The commentary and crowd noises conspire together to create an authentic experience.
8.5 Gameplay
So exactingly realistic it can be off-putting and not without a few gripes, it's still the best FIFA yet.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
The Adidas Live Season will keep it fresh for the next 12 months, and the online modes are a triumph throughout.
(out of 10 / not an average)


Looks like EA has been improving the game, maybe if the PC version is on par with the PS3/360 and if PES disappoints me (which I hope it does not) I'll give it a try. They draw some comparisons with PES, for example

"This slavishness to reality may be jarring to those who've plied their trade in other football franchises, and it's fascinating to see how FIFA has now set itself up as the more simulation minded game in opposition to the instant gratification that PES offers" (since when has been PES offering instant gratification??? It has always tried to offer more realism than gratification)