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I'm a stern believer that this game isn't as bad as people say it will be.

Why I believe people hate Wii Music: Part 1

Nintendo's E3 08 Press Conference was nothing short of a disappointment.  Some expected Zelda, Some expected Kid Icarus, and most expected some core game for the core audience.  Instead, we got Wii Music.  Unfortunately, this game is being demonized because it's being associated with the Wii's weak fall line-up.  It's also being associated with Nintendo abandoning it's core fanbase and in favor of releasing shovelware that sells well.  This is not the case.

First, Iwata actually apologized for the lack of core titles.  He honestly didn't have to.  He could have said something to the nature of "Fuck you fanbase, we know have a new audience to fill our bank accounts" but he didn't.  I think it takes balls for a president to apologize like that.  Second, there was a heavy emphasis on third party titles for the Wii at the E3 Press Conference.  Let's face it, third party developers can't compete with Nintendo titles being released on Nintendo consoles around the same time.  With this in mind, I'm sure Nintendo is giving third party developers a chance to sell on the Wii.  I don't about you guys but I might actually look into World at War, Shaun White's Snowboarding and other third party titles.  Third, MotionPlus is now in the mix.  I'm sure this device wouldn't be on the want list of consumers if there wasn't software to back it up.  I don't know but lets wait til '09 and decide to get rid of our Wii's or not.

Why I believe people hate Wii Music: Part 2

If you haven't already seen videos for this game, they're pretty awful.  From the dog costume, to the cheerleader, to the drummer, it's becoming easier to say this game will be shovelware.  For a game, it would make sense to highlight the best parts of a game with trailers that show reasons to be interested.  Wii Music does the opposite.  I'm sure as more and more are released, the core fanbases will be repelled more and more from this game but what's this?  Most games have good trailers.  Do trailers decide whether a game is good or bad? No.  Do reviews decide whether a game is a good or bad? For the most part, yes.  Has Wii Music been reviewed yet?  No.  Has everything this game have to offer been shown? No.  In short, let's not jump the gun.


If you don't like the game, don't buy it.  If you see yourself fit to call this game shovelware, don't comment here.  Let's just acknowledge this game exists, whether its existence offends you or not.  It's here and it's not going to go away just because you don't like it.  I see myself looking back at this 5 years from now and laughing.  If you're a Nintendo fan and you're going to doubt them now.. you should have left them a while back. 



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