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The ten year life plan coined by Sony is for all intent and purposes meaningless public relations banter. Most consoles receive differing degrees of support for ten years. The Dreamcast still receives support. Both the Nintendo entertainment system, and the Super Nintendo enjoyed life spans far in excess of their production runs. Microsoft still supports the online functionality of the XBOX. Support is a terribly soft term. Technically most anyone can argue indefinitely that the console will be supported for ten years.

How relevant is that support is the real question. I would say in six perhaps seven years the following will have happened. Sony will have produced its own last first party title for the console. They will be removing functionality from the consoles online plan. The majority of the consoles titles will be the download only variety, and the console will receive no ports, because there will be little ability for the console to leach from the 360. Which is what the PS2 does with the Wii. Make a title for the Wii why not port it to the PS2. Nintendo just isn't going to use the same architecture as Sony for their next console, and that really murders the dividends of that.

I honestly do not see any of these consoles having incredible support seven years from now. They will be out of production, and the industry as a whole will have washed its hands of them. The problem is that none of these consoles is going to forge an undeniable standard. That is what you need for late generation longevity. You need carry over value, and that just isn't going to happen.

The plan is pure and simple bullshit. What is worse is there is nobody to hold Sony accountable for not living up to its promises. That is the problem if you are never called on your bullshit, or never penalized for doing so then what is to stop you from making exaggerated claims. So how can anyone take these statements as sincere intent.