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Paul_Warren said:

Yes, but here's a new way of looking at it. If the Wii wins this console generation, going by past track record, Nintendo will still only release a console in the next generation that is comparable to the PS3  or 360 in power. So as long as the PS3 is getting good games and as long as big time movies are coming to blu-ray, then Sony doesn't have to release a new console until the generation after next. Especially if the Wii becomes the standard. Nintendo could still keep the Wii on the market without releasing a new console for a number of years (just look at the original Gameboy); however, eventually the Wii will reach market saturation and the PS3 will be able to be sold for only a fraction of its original cost thus generating much more sales for itself as well.

It is possible at this point in time that the only console line that is really prepping for a next gen is the xbox.

As soon as MS releases the next Xbox, Sony will have to respond within a year or so.  I don't believe the Wii drove the performance specs for this generation, and they probably won't be driving the specs for the next generation.

So, while I agree that Nintendo might not force Sony's hand, that won't be true regarding Xbox.