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Sqrl, I think you are missing the point. It's not that he should or shouldn't be there.

McCain and Obama both were there. Neither is on a single economic committee, they are only supposed to be there because one of the two will be the next president.

The problem is that McCain politicized it by saying he was suspending his candidacy because of it. Why? The candidacy is run by other people, they can still do their work, throwing parties and rallies, going on TV, etc. and the candidates can still do their jobs. The president, republican pundits, and republican congressional representatives are all saying it was unnecessary. The moderate republicans are blaming him for derailing it.

McCain made the wrong call. If anything, if they want to look presidential they should be talking to the people right now; maybe in a setting that might seem to challenge his abilities.

I think the debates are MORE important now, than a week ago.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.