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Hey all, I was just having a few thoughts that I wanna share.


Basically, with games like MGS4 and Crysis, we are approaching the point where computer game graphics are going to be accepted as 'good enough' Surely next generation we will have 3 consoles capable of outputting in 1080p at 60hz as a bare minimum for all games. It could be tempting then to claim that the next generation will last forever, there is little point to more upgrading.


Wrong, and two games prove it. Spore and Little Big Planet

It is computationally a much easier task to animate a premade character model, as is done in MGS4. However, it takes incredible processing power to animate even the relatively simple character models from Spore, dynamic rendering is just very complex. I expect that soon, many more games will use this technique, allowing gamers to create their own character models, and it will be this on which developers put lots of effort, rather than pouring countless hours into lighting effects and boob-jiggle physics. I think that Mii's, Avatars and Home will all, next gen, evolve into dyanmically rendered, highly detailed character models.


Do you agree that Dynamic Renderring will be the way of the future?