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The perfect time to do anything is when all the pieces are in place, or when the most important pieces are in place. Not before they are in place a lot of community members have learned this the hard way about the PS3. They may say they were satisfied with their choice, but had they known then what they know now. The majority of them would have at least waited to make the purchase. A great many of them might have decided on another console.

I would say for anyone considering a PS3 the perfect time is probably next holiday season when the console will probably be around three hundred dollars. When the future of the movie format is assured, and the price of the media is not prohibitively expensive. More to the point the Sony brand does not necessarily mean quality. Ask the millions of consumers Sony has burned over the last five years. Not to mention the tendency of Sony to abandon their ideals, or even make exaggerated claims.

The original poster speaks of future releases of great games. Well no shock there the PS3 has always sold on future potential, and not on present delivery. Well consumers are not investors they are supposed to consume. Rather then let things mature, and if you are going to let things mature. Why not wait to buy until they mature, and the product is available at a better price.

Game libraries do not exist in a vacuum it has been said before. For every great game a console has. Another console can claim the same. The PS3 is never going to have Halo, Fable, Gears of War, Smash Brothers, Mariokart, or Mario Galaxy. So it is not as if a potential consumer is not making a sacrifice. The most logical choice to make is based upon volume, and not a couple titles alone.

The reality is this Microsoft is going to have the higher volume, because their console supports PC porting. They have had the higher volume all generation long. There is no logical reason to assume this will change. More to the point Nintendo has the more prolific first party support. Many posters have said it, and it is utterly true. Nintendo can carry its console alone. They can do so, because they can feed and sustain their fan base.

I have never understood the hurry up and wait logic. I am sorry if this hurts feelings. However it must be said this was stupid logic, and thanks to falling into lock step on the bandwagon a lot of good members of this community got fleeced, and they got fleeced hard. They ended up spending hundreds of dollars they had no need to, and while everyone else was playing another consoles best they had to sit around and wait. Many of them are still waiting.