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ok I won't even notice KBG, or wait I did.... lol

well PS3 is yet to be proven better for video gaming than XB, even on the paper (raw power means nothing, you can take a super conputer made for super calculation of scientific equations, it might still be worst to do videogame (i'm making a stretch here but you get the point) another exemple would be cars... take a heavy truck with a lot of horse power, i most certainly go faster from 0 to 60 and have a higher top speed with a golf s sport which has less horse power.)... PS3 is the most powerfull multimedia device out there (beside PCs) but it's not optimized for VG (yet, it might or might not come true)

worst scenario

well shortage for any of the consoles

360 : the RRoD issue not being fixed (i don't believe in Halo 3 being bad and anyway I think some other exclu titles are there to play a role of at least damage control in case of I'm wrong on halo 3)

PS3: no price cut to follow an eventual one from XB, and the line up not being appealing enough compared to the other two....

WII: I don't see any worst case scenario as they are so cheap, but shortage probably would be the main one, or the frenzy stops.... but even if it's a temporary frenzy I really don't think it would stop now... maybe more in 2008 or even 2009, it's more on the very long run that I don't see the WII sustaining that pace....

a funny one would be increase of injuries due to bad handling of the WIImote which translate into a bad image especially for family with young kids :)