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xboxfanboy said:

1.wii 360



This gen console war is over. The 360 just about set there 2 place in stone which means that this war is over. I know there going to be a s*** load  of people telling me I'am wrong but unless sony wants to drop the price and keep losing money to try to catch up to ms which they will not  there no real way they can make a comeback. I not saying it will not be close but right now sony need to focus on making money but all that dosn't matter. What matters is how nintendo came for last to wiping the floor with M$ & Sony. The only problem with nintendo is all there new fans are not fan boys and next gen they pick  the one  with the new thing on it or whatever. If you look at how the ps2 fans spilt the same thing can happen to nintendo


Pathetic post. Have a look at a world map and you will see that life exists outside of America.