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I got so cought up in your argument I forgot what the thread was about.
Anyway there is another thread about Wii being a toy else where; I'm on my PS3 so I can't copy paste the url.

Finally @OP

I'm sure you remember The Sources' explanation, even if this is a joke, The Source makes the most sense on this site

By the way Sim City is amazing for the Wii, the win button is great! Basically I can set up region advisors who can and will zone for me and build roads, I just have to add fire departments and the such. Back to Mega man 9 now, finally beat Cement man.

Also nothing super inciteful I'm sure I can't really supply you guys with anything to further your debate but some times the simplest answer is the right one, but that's usually the case for those who have a strong grasp of context.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D