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- Chrono Trigger and FFVI for DS with the 3D graphics engine used for FFIII and FFIV DS

- Okami with Wiimote controls, much more difficult enemies, and no instanced battles (would have made this game amazing, rather than just great) on the Wii

- A Sequel to Beyond Good and Evil for Wii (FIRST PRIORITY! MAKE IT HAPPEN UBISOFT!)

- Kid Icarus Wii, sequel preferable to remake (based off the SSBB version of Pit)

- Super Mario RPG sequel for DS... you know you want to Square

- Mushroom Kingdom Hearts for Wii.  Okay, this may be stretching the purpose of the list a little but it really would be awesome. 

- Golden Sun 3 Wii (this is practically confirmed to already be in development, but I'll add it anyway)