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Wow. Is the general attach rate really that low? I own like 7 or 8 Wii discs, 3 WiiWare games, and 6 VC games. On top of that I must own at least 30 GC games... and in my opinion, the Wii is practically a desert in terms of stuff I want (I don't really like WiiFit, WiiMusic, Carnival Games, WiiPlay, etc., even if casual gamers do -- obviously I qualify as "hardcore").  If you compare my numbers beside those of the average Wii owner (the "casual"), my attach rate is 3-4x as high.  If that was typical, the smaller hardcore crowd carries so much weight as to be a force to be seriously reckoned with, relative to the casual gamer, despite the numbers differences.

I'm really surprised that the general Wii owner would only spend $150-200 (3-4) on games (assuming they even bought new ones), when they bought the console for $250.