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bdbdbd said:
@dharh: Game is play. Game is only to explain your play.
You kick a ball with your friend, you play. You kick a ball with your friend to score a goal, you play a game. The difference? Only the different objectives.
There are different ways to look at game/play, if you're doing it alone, you play. If you do it with someone, you play a game. Then again, if it's interactive, it's playing with someone.
When you date someone, or are about to be get laid, you play. The whole human behaviour revolves around playing. And playing is one of the most important things in learning process. Calling play a game, is just a way to try to excuse your play.

You can't fail in terms of "beating" the song. But your play sound like shit or you can play with the song as you're "supposed to". Your playing can sound like "you", or it can sound like the song you're playing.
Basically, taking a cello and going to play it symphony orchestra is propably the best analogy, the rest of the orchestra will play the song as they're supposed to play, but your playing wasn't necessarily on par with others. What Wii Music offers, is virtually unlimited ways of playing the game, even if played a dozen times the same song, it necessarily didn't sound the same two times. That's what's so great about Wii Music; it gives you almost the same freedom as the real instruments.

@Phendrana: But the "cops and robbers" fail as a play, since it has rules. If it didn't, it wouldn't be "cops and robbers", since there would be no "cops" or "robbers".

@Paul Warren: I think i already pointed you out, that the review scores are useless way to measure games quality, since the reviewers don't resemble the market and the market is what eventually rates the games quality. And this is proven by sales numbers.

@rubido: It is genious, the only question that remains is whether Wii Music is able to "pull it off".

If we're defining rules as loosely as "someone is a cop" and "someone is a robber" then technically Wii Music also has rules. Use the Wiimote to make music. It COULD also involve skill if people were competing to make the song sound the best or most accurate. Depending on how you play, Wii Music fits both descriptions I posted for "game".