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Mummelmann said:

BornFirst; yes this gen is killing me, I'm left with three basically useless consoles to choose from and almost no decent games worthwhile that I can't get on my PC.
The "bitterness" in this thread for me stems from the senseless worship of characters such as John Lucas and Malstrom, folks who have fired numerous shots and have happened to hit a target might not be sharpshooters and that is the core element to my entire argument.
By all means, kudos goes where it is due, but elevating people to a near godlike status is childish, I have my preferences as well but could never imagine letting someones words weigh this heavily simply because they agree with my bias.
I certainly approve of your effort and I can see why you'd feel we shouldn't post in this thread, but if me and Paul Warren and other people of the same perception did not parttake this would've not even been a discussion and none of the above points would've been made by either side so I hope you can see the value of a good debate.
The fact that everyone refutes our/my points by way of making me look like a desperate moron for not kissing Malstrom' arse is another thing, and I won't get into that in detail, I've gotten used to such rhetoric.
But, for the love of God, let people disagree with things without labelling them desperate or fanboyish, it could be as simple as this; some people have another take on things. I make it a point not to dismiss a persons argument or opinion solely based on his/her disagreeing with me.

PS: For the record (many seem to think I'm a Sony fanboy of some kind), this is how I feel about the console wars in short;

1: Nintendo; get some proper, non-carnival support and I'll consider it, make some goddamn games for gamers (outside of 1st party).

2: Sony; Get the price down already, BC and simply; make games at all.

3: Microsoft; Make a fucking console that works so I can actually play your games.


I could agree with you here but I cant... The debaters here compels me I cant do but to agree. About Malstrom I agree with some of his points, but Im disagreeing with him because if I agree with him it only means that I agree that gaming as we know it will be change and core gamers will die, atleast core gaming as we knew it will die. Thats why im counter-debating here to point my opinions across. But then, some members here have different interpretation of what Malstrom really meant, and I have differenty interpretation of Malstrom's articles.



end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out